Serve Erie Tour
September 20 - 21, 8:00 am - 7:00 pm 2024
In partnership with churches and the Baptist Resource Network, ServePASJ seeks to inspire you to engage in compassion ministry through participation in ministry projects in the Erie, Pennsylvania. Our plan is to find ways to meet needs and bless churches, schools, local governments, and compassion ministry non-profits. In addition, we want to strategically help revitalized local churches and bless bi-vocational pastors by providing assistance.
On September 20-21, volunteers just like you will care for hurting communities in Erie by serving local churches, low-income schools, Erie City Mission recipients, and other organizations in need of assistance. Projects may include some light construction, painting and landscaping, hosting sports camps or block parties.
By partnering with the Baptist Resource Network of Pennsylvania and South Jersey, Send Relief is making it easy for you and your team to have a real, lasting impact in the lives of Erie’s most vulnerable.