Rooted Youth

Who Are We? Rooted Youth is the 7th - 12th grade student ministry of Walnut Creek Baptist Church. As such, our mission, vision, and purpose is the same, with a few adjustments aimed at ministering to youth.

Vision | Mission | Purpose

Vision Statement

At Rooted Youth, our vision is to develop passionate disciples of Jesus Christ. We envision a youth ministry where students come to saving faith in Jesus Christ and then seek to root their lives in Him. We desire to see students following Jesus, growing in Jesus, and intentionally serving others like Jesus.

We seek to embody the words of Paul in Colossians 2:6-7, “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”

Mission Statement

To make, equip, and send disciples of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 28:19-20

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

Our Purpose

Worship God

Our primary purpose is to worship God wholeheartedly. In all we do – games, singing, spirit nights, teaching, and prayer – we seek to make much of God and His grace for us through Jesus Christ. We believe our greatest joy is found in worshiping God with our lives

Connect Together

We believe in the power of community and connection. Whether through small groups, activity nights, or serving together, we seek to build meaningful relationships that strengthen our faith and encourage one another.

Serve Others

We seek to challenge students to embrace the call to serve with compassion and selflessness. Whether it is in their church, family, school, or neighborhood, we encourage students to seek opportunities to make a difference through service.

Multiply Disciples

We are committed to multiplying disciples. First, we seek to evangelize students so they come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Then, we work to equip students to go make disciples of Jesus in their areas of influence.



Essential Components to Rooted Youth Ministry

Gospel Centrality

We consistently proclaim the transforming power of God’s grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the foundation for a life of following Jesus.

Biblical Teaching

We teach the Bible methodically so students grow in their understanding of who God is and what He has communicated to us, while seeking to apply it to our lives today. The end goal of this type of teaching is to see students walking in faithful obedience to God’s will for our lives.

Relational Discipleship

We believe discipleship thrives in authentic relationships with students where they are being challenged and encouraged to root their lives in Jesus Christ.

Partnering With Parents

We believe our role is to come alongside parents in the process of raising their children to follow Jesus. We seek to keep an open line of communication with parents so we can help with the spiritual nourishment of their child in whatever way we are capable of doing.

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